About me

I’m a third year undergraduate student from Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. My research interest includes machine learning, and robotics.

I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Xiaolin Huang of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition from Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I was advised by Prof. Jianping He of IWIN-FINS Lab from Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

You can find my CV here: Jinghao Zheng’s Curriculum Vitae.


  • Address: No.800, Dongchuan Road, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minhang District, Shanghai City, China
  • Email: zjh20030406 [at] sjtu [dot] edu [dot] cn
  • Phone: (+86)-19817506664
  • Wechat: z820770061


Sept. 2021 – Jun. 2025(expected): Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China
B.E. in Automation(Computer Science and Engineering), Minor in Finance

  • Major GPA:3.81/4.3
  • Centesimal grade average:89.12/100
  • Core Courses: Calculus ΙΙ(98), Probability and Statistics(99), Linear Algebra(92), Discrete Mathematics(93), Data Structure(90), Principles of Automatic Control(A)(94), Robotics(93), Introductory Pattern Recognition(96)

Research experience

  • Oct. 2023 – Mar.2024: Member
    • Project Name: Design of distributed collaborative positioning system
    • Brief introduction: Multiple fixed position cameras are used to determine the specific location of the moving car in the field.
    • Duties included:
      • Implemented control code for motors in the camera head on STM32 board, responsible for controlling the yaw and the pitch of the platform to achieve the accurate angle.
      • Completed partial mechanical design of the camera head and design of circuit board.
    • Advisor: Jianping He, Associate Professor, Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Mar. 2023 – Feb.2024: Leader
    • Project Name: Implementation and comparison of gas tracing algorithms for dual robots in confined space
    • Brief introduction: The project aimed to trace gas leaks efficiently using robotic systems in constrained environments.
    • Duties included:
      • Developed code for Raspberry PI to control the wheel motors of the robotic car, ensuring precise movement in the confined space.
      • Implemented communication protocols between the robotic car and the upper computer with ROS2, facilitating real-time data exchange.
      • Wrote the project paper detailing the algorithm design, implementation, and experimental findings.
    • Advisor: Liufang Wang, Senior engineer, Student Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Work experience

  • Dec. 2022 - Dec. 2023: Head of Sports Department, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering(SEIEE) Student Union, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    • Hold the “Feng Xing” Cup basketball game
    • Hold the “Fancy Young Run” activity
    • Hold the “Roll off” cup esports competition
  • Mar. 2022 - Dec. 2022: Member of Sports Department, SEIEE Student Union, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    • Recruit and manage sprinters from the SEIEE in the School sports meeting
    • Representing SEIEE Student Union in the “Star Week” contest

Honors And Awards

  • 3rd Prize of TI Cup National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest Shanghai area, Aug. 2023
  • 3rd Prize of Academic Scholarship of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2023
  • 3rd Prize of Academic Scholarship of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2022
  • 2nd Prize of Chinese Physics Olympiad(Zhejiang Area), 2019

More about me

I really enjoy playing basketball, tennis, and watching TV shows sometimes. And I am a fan of Golden State Warriors!
If you also have the same hobby with me, feel free to contact me! I can’t wait playing basketball with different guys!